As a Science Road Project in Bayraklı; An area of approximately 7500 square meters was used and a school-dormitory project was designed. According to this project, our education area has 5 departments and 400 students. 5 departments 4 years every student should take 6 courses 5x4x6=120 courses. For 120 lessons 80x5=400 students. In the project, the integrity of the training area, coastal road, and campus was ensured first. The training area and the coastal road have brought vitality to the campus, but have preserved their own private space. Coastal roads and green areas are designed in the most efficient way to use. The use of the education area is distinguished as education buildings and dormitory buildings.
ARCH 498: Alternative(s) / Unit 1: ctrl - alt - arch / Coordinators: Lect. Michael YOUNG, Lect. Nazlı KÖK