The aim of the project is to create a learning community. And the important aspect of this project is to design in a way that the users are not only those who will use the site for learning purposes but also those who won’t seek that purpose. Even for those who may never get a chance or a privilege to learn. That’s why in this project the learning community is spread out around the site with multiple structures in relation to each other and the site. The intertwining usage of public and private spaces gives everyone a chance to get involved and inspired by the experience. The most obvious evidence to fulfill this purpose is being in respect to its surroundings. In other words for people who will actually take advantage of the site. It is not suffering for the people but a gift. A piece offering. Architecture becomes one with the topography in a modest way.
ARCH 498: Alternative(s) / Unit 1: ctrl - alt - arch / Coordinators: Lect. Michael YOUNG, Lect. Nazlı KÖK